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Why You Should Visit an Auto Accident Chiropractor After an Accident

Written By Horizon Chiropractic on September 7, 2023

a guy with neck pain from auto injury

After an auto accident, your body produces excess adrenaline. This can mask pain and other symptoms of injury. Some auto injuries don’t even show symptoms until days or weeks later. When you visit Horizon Chiropractic in Thornton, CO, right after an accident, we will uncover hidden injuries, offer continuing care, and give you the documentation you need to file a claim.  

Obtain Faster Treatment

When you visit a hospital for minor injuries after an auto accident, you may end up waiting hours to see a doctor. Most auto accident chiropractors offer same-day appointments for patients who were in auto accidents. They will have access to the same diagnostic equipment that a doctor would use in a hospital, including x-ray, MRI, and CT scan machines. They will design a customized chiropractic treatment plan on the same day as your visit.

Uncover Hidden Injuries

If you have any hidden injuries, our chiropractors will find them using diagnostic testing. We may also palpate or put pressure on your limbs or ask you to complete simple physical actions in front of us. This allows them to assess your balance, posture, dexterity, flexibility, motor skills, and mobility. We will also screen you for neurological symptoms. 

Receive Continuing Care

In addition to getting care and treatment the same day as your accident, you can receive ongoing chiropractic care. This will speed up the healing process and reduce your risk of chronic pain or disability. Chiropractic auto injury treatment can reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. It will also improve circulation, range of motion, and mobility so you can get back on your feet sooner. 

Get the Documentation You Need for a Claim

If you plan on filing a personal injury, workers compensation, or auto insurance claim, you will need official documentation of your injuries from a doctor. Our chiropractors can provide proof of your diagnosis, treatment plan, and the number of treatments needed before you’re fully rehabilitated. 

Visit Our Auto Accident Chiropractor in Thornton, CO Today

After a car accident, visit our auto accident chiropractor in Thornton, CO today at Horizon Chiropractic. Dr. Robert Bridge, D.C., has decades of experience as a chiropractor, and specializes in physiotherapy, rehabilitation, and auto injury treatment. He is a licensed chiropractor and acupuncturist. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Auto Injury